"Ocrisiona identification is extremely difficult, even though 16 species are featured in modern papers with good illustrations. They all look rather similar to each other and can also be mixed up with Holoplatys." (Whyte & Anderson, 2017; p.282)
"Diagnosis: Flat, 'unident', generally dark spiders. Thoracic part of cephalothorax elongated, rather wide. Compared to Holoplatys no cephalic depressions between PLE [i.e. posterior lateral eyes]. Legs usually heavily haired, especially in males. Legs I the strongest, legs IV the longest, legs III the shortest or as long as legs II. Tibial spines on legs I and II always present. Male pal pal organs with long, thin embolus. Lateral tibial apophysis often with small protuberance, no dorsal apophysis. The epigynal pattern is an inverted heart shape." (Zabka, 1990)
Ocrisiona sp. (genus) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Greater Sydney | Greater Melbourne
Lane Cove National ParkPlaces
North Ryde, NSW