Family Trigonidiidae. Su and Rentz 2000 (J. Orthoptera Res. 9: 5-20) give the following diagnostic criteria for this genus: occiput of head with 3 central dark bands; maxillary palps usually coloured white or black; sides of body usually black; top of body pale brown or reddish-brown, or black centrally and pale laterally; both sexes winged as adults; forewings usually with several dark pigment spots and lateral field usually very dark or black; hindwings vary from being absent to being longer than forewings; leg I and II blackish, but sometimes with larger pale spots on outer and upper faces; femur III either black or with closely spaced oblique black stripes on outer face; inner face of hind femur with a clear dark band centrally; tibia III with 3 inner and 3 outer supapical spurs; top of abdomen black; female ovipositor usually about 3-4 times as long as pronotum. Bobilla neobivittata and Bobilla gullanae are very similar morphologically and both species have been reported from southern NSW/eastern Gippsland.
Bobilla sp. (genus) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Greater Sydney
Lane Cove National ParkPlaces
North Ryde, NSW